It is that time of year again, the annual trip to Saulte St. Maria Canada and the St. Mary’s Rapids. To me this is the hole Grail of Steelhead fishing. I know my stellhead days are limited to the great lake states, however this is a world class fishery. It is also a young man fishery if you want to experience the whole river. Staying in the small water as we call it is for any and everyone. Fishing Buddy Mike Phillips and I never miss this trip and from time to time others will join us. Maybe it is the fact we are in Canada and all we are here to do is fish. Maybe it is the fact that we are fishing by an international bridge or the Saulte Locks. It may also be the fact that ever step could lead to a bath or a long ride down river. Until you experience it you will never understand it. These pictures will never do it justice but they will give you a small taste. Enjoy!!